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Training Philosophy:

  1. Technique endurance speed. Learn the skill, master the skill, layer on fitness
  2. Master the fundamentals. Then move onto the next step
  3. Don’t confuse movement for achievement, busy for growth. Be mindfully deliberate not mindlessly swimming
  4. Stay faithful when it becomes frustrating. Change is happening on a cellular level with visible and quantifiable results to come
  5. Focus on 1 or 2 disciplines practiced every day. This applies to what we do at the studio and on your own
  6. Standardize before you Optimize. Until a movement or pattern becomes fluid and automatic it can’t be done faster
  7. What gets measured gets improved. Keep track of the metrics that matter. Stroke Rate, Stroke Count, Duration/Distance, Time/Pace and Recovery Time
  8. Excuses or results but not both. Choose the one you want
  9. If the axe is dull (technique) and one does not sharpen its edge, then he must exert more strength. Wisdom (or skill) has the advantage of bringing success. (ECC 10:10). This is what we do, sharpen the edge. It doesn’t matter how strong or fit an athlete is if the edge is dull.


Training Principles: The sequence of training follows this pattern

  1. Streamline and balance
  2. Timing of movements
  3. Positional power (free energy/power)
  4. Manufactured power
  5. Stroke rate and stroke length manipulation to develop “swimming gears” (different swim velocities)


  6. proper training sequences: Focus on front to back below water patterns first (hands, head, hips/body, legs/feet) then move to above water mechanics (breathing and recovery arms). This allows an athlete to “unlock” neural pathways through greater balance in the water. This leads to increased control and comfort in the water. Having every move be a thought-out VOLUNTARY response not an INVOLUNTARY reaction to a loss of balance while swimming.